Subject: Application for a transfer certificate.
Date: dd/mm/yyyy:-
The Headmaster:-
College Name:-
With due respect and humble submission to state that, I am a student of your college, (class…section…roll…). I would like to inform you that my father is a government service holder. Recently he has been transferred from Faridpur to Khulna. My family will be shifted there soon. As a result, it is impossible for me to continue my study in your reputed College. So, I need a transfer certificate to get myself admitted into a college in Khulna.
In the circumstances, I hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a transfer certificate.
Sincerely yours
Sujon Ahmed
XI Science Group
Roll No: 5052
Prepared By
Md. Rokon Uddin (Rumon)
phone: +8801723303755
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